Sunday, January 1, 2017

Wesbrook Community Centre - Building Skills in Youth

Wesbrook Community Centre has been taking steps to offer new education programs to youth that complement the high school curriculum and foster development of beneficial skills.

From Gaming to Coding (Grade. 9-12) #12673
Come learn game design and development by working on real projects. After completing this 5 session project-base class, students will get practical skills on using JavaScript to build a simple game which runs on the web and mobile devices. Our instructor Yan Hong, graduated from Simon Fraser University, has over 12 years of coding experience and taught over 100 students in UBC and SFU.

Begins: Jan 26, 2017
Ends: Feb 23, 2017

Meeting Dates: From January 26, 2017 to February 23, 2017, each Thursday from 5pm to 6:30pm

Youth Public Speaking and Presentation #12676
Don't be shy, get up and present your ideas! You have thoughts, opinions, and information that deserves to be shared with the community. In this workshop you'll gain tools and practice to build the confidence required for public speaking. Whether preparing for a class presentation or a job interview, this is the class for you.

Begins: Jan 24, 2017
Ends: Feb 21, 2017

Meeting Dates: From January 24, 2017 to February 21, 2017, each Tuesday from 5pm to 7pm

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