Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Parent Volunteers Needed for Grad Sleepover

Dear UHill parents and guardians,

UHill's graduating class is planning a grad sleepover at the school for Thursday, April 28th. They are looking for four parents to volunteer to supervise for the event.
Uhill 的毕业生们正在组织一场4月28日晚上在学校过夜的活动。他们正在寻找四位家⻓志愿者来帮助他们监督与管理这次活动。

The sleepover will take place in the Lower Learning Commons and the Library and will start at 7:00 pm.
此次活动将在 Lower Learning Commons 以及 Library 举行,并计划在晚上 7 点开始。

Here is the sleepover schedule:
  • 7:00 pm - students arrive 
  • 7:30-9:00 pm - group games and activities 
  • 9:00-10:00 pm - karaoke 
  • 10:00 pm -12:00 am - movie & popcorn
  • 7:00 am - sleepover ends, everyone goes home / stay in school to prepare for Sports Day (As the next day, April 29th, is Sports Day, there won’t be any homework)
  • 7:00 pm - 学生们陆续到校
  • 7:30-9:00 pm - 集体游戏以及活动
  • 9:00-10:00 pm - 卡拉OK
  • 10:00 pm -12:00 am - 电影和爆米花
  • 7:00 am - 活动结束,学生回家或留校准备当天的体育节(由于第二天,4月29日,是学校的体育节,学生将不会有任何作业)
The organizers are expecting around 60 students to participate. The school has suggested one parent volunteer for every 15 students, so the organizers hope to have four parent volunteers, ideally two male and two female.

Parents' responsibilities will be mainly supervising and helping the grad council keep order during the activities. They do not need to run the activities as grad council members will take care of that. However, the parents will need to be at the school from 7:00 pm to 7:00 am the next morning.
家⻓志愿者们的责任主要是帮助毕业生委员会 (Grad Council) 监督个个活动项⺫。毕业委员会的成员们会负责组织与经营各项游戏与活动,所以家⻓们不需要做任何组织工作。但是家⻓们需要从晚上7点留到第二天早晨7点,在学生们一样在学校过夜。

To volunteer or for more information, please contact Linda Lin at
报名成为志愿者或咨询更多讯息,请通过邮箱联系12年级的 Linda Lin:

Thank you,
PAC Executive

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