Thursday, May 4, 2017

PAC Meeting & Elections on May 10, 2017

Hello UHill Parents,

Here the minutes from the April meeting: PAC Minutes - April 12, 2017.

Our next PAC meeting is today, Wednesday, May 10 at 7 pm in UHill's library. We hope to see you there because it's an important meeting.

At the PAC meeting on Wednesday, May 10, 2017 we'll be holding elections for the 2017/2018 PAC Executive. At least two Executive members will be stepping down this year. If you have ever considered joining the school PAC Executive, this is your chance!

If you plan to run for election, please come to the May PAC meeting prepared to speak briefly about why you want to join the Executive and which role you'd like to fill. If you have any questions in advance, please contact the current Chairs Rain Emily Zhang ( and Troy McClellan (
如果您决定参与选举,届时请简要介绍下自己,为何参与,并对哪个职位感兴趣,如果您有任何问题,敬请直接联系目前联席主席Rain Emily Zhang ( 和Troy McClellan (。

PAC Executive Roles: 家委会执委会职能
  • Co-Chairs (2) 联席主席(2名)
  • Treasurer (1) 财务官 (1名)
  • Co-Secretaries (2) 联席秘书(2名)
  • Fundraiser 筹款主管
  • Grade Representative 年级代表
Yours sincerely,
PAC Executive

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