Wednesday, June 8, 2016

UHill PAC seeks Two More Executive Members UHill 家委会需新增两名执委会成员

At the September PAC meeting, UHill PAC will hold elections for two roles on the Executive that are currently unfilled.

- PAC Co-chair (or Vice-Chair) 家委会联席主席(或副主席)
- Co-secretary, Chinese language 家委会秘书,中文

Both these roles are critical to the smooth running of the PAC. We encourage parents to consider putting their name forward.

If you have questions about either role, please contact Rain Emily Zhang (email) or Brenda Martin (
如果你对以上职位感兴趣,请直接联系Rain Emily Zhang (或Brenda Martin (

Our next meeting is on June 8, 2016 at 7:00 pm in the UHill library. 下次UHill家委会将于2016年6月8日晚7点在UHill图书馆举行

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