Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Minutes from May PAC Meeting 家委会五月会议纪要

Here are the minutes and election results from the May PAC meeting.以下为五月家委会会议纪要及选举结果。
Our next meeting is on June 8, 2016 at 7:00 pm in the UHill library. 下次UHill家委会将于2016年6月8日晚7点在UHill图书馆举行

Election Results for 2016/2017 PAC Executive 2016/2017年度家委会执委会选举结果
  • Co-PAC Chair联席主席: Rain Emily Zhang (parent of Grade 11,11年级家长) 
  • Co-PAC Chair联席主席: TBD
  • Co-Secretaries 联系秘书:  Brenda Martin and TBD
  • Treasurer 财务官: Helen Fang财务官
  • Fundraising Committee Chair 筹款负责人: Sherry Wang筹款组主席
  • Grade Rep  年级代表: Edward Zhang

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