Friday, January 22, 2016

U Hill Secondary PAC Workshop Notice 学校讲座通知

UHill PAC, working with ANISA NEWMAN-AZAR, B.A., ED.M. (HARVARD) who is the founder of Tree of Life Coaching & Consulting, will organize a free workshop for our parents.  We would like to invite you and your children to come to the workshop.
UHill中学家委会在生命之树辅导顾问公司的创建者ANISA NEWMAN-AZAR的协助下,将举办教育专题讲座,我们真诚的邀请您和您的孩子有时间参加。

Topic: Tools for Living Successfully and Less Stressfully (for Parents & Students)

Date:   Wednesday, Jan. 27, 2016
Time:  7:00-9:00 pm
Place: UHill Secondary - the Lower Learnings Common

The plan for the evening presentation is:
  • Practical information and everyday tools for de-stressing
  • Important insights from a popular parenting and teaching model (as seen on Oprah)
  • Questions, discussion, and connections
  • 可以用于实践的信息和每天用于减轻压力的工具
  • 来源与流行的育儿和教育模式的重要见识(如 Oprah所见)
  • 提问,讨论,交流
In addition, she will be offering an exclusive discount on upcoming workshops:
  • The Positive Parenting Course   &  De-Stress Your Life Training Course
  • 对中学家长参加未来举办相关讲座的相关优惠折扣
Please share this information with your kids and fellow parents. We welcome students from all grades, and parents   to join this workshop and benefit from this lecture.

We look forward to meeting you and your children!

U HILL PAC Education Workshop Committee is organizing ongoing workshops for students and parents. If you have suggestions or resources, please let us know.

We are grateful for the school’s support! 我们感谢学校的支持!

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