Saturday, October 3, 2015


Parents of students who were at UHSS last year might recall that funding requests to augment all academic and extracurricular programs was $80,000.   By June it was clear that funding to meet the minimum needs in science and technology, to support music and choral programs, and to augment leadership programs was in excess of $57,000.  As of the end of last year, just under $18,000 had been raised – a shortfall of $39,000.  As of this time, equipment needs for the AP courses for this year are not met. 

As mentioned at the September 16 PAC meeting, this year, in order to meet the school needs outstanding from last year and to be able to meet additional funding requests likely to be made for this year, our goal is to raise a minimum of $150,000.  That goal may be achieved if the school receives a donation of $280 per child in the school. 

Of course, we recognize that such a donation may not be financially possible for all families.  No family should feel pressured to make a donation that it cannot afford. No student’s participation in school activities is adversely affected if his or her family is unable to make a contribution. We hope, however, that families will contribute what they are able and all donations of any amount are accepted with gratitude. PAC is also pleased to accept donations from corporations in the community.

This year, please notice that cheques are to be made payable to University Hill Secondary PAC.  PAC will deposit them and then issue a cheque (or series of cheques depending upon the timing of receipt of donations) to the school representing the aggregate of all donations. 
今年捐款时,请注意支票抬头注明是给“University Hill Secondary PAC,家委会将先存入银行然后再统一给学校开出合计金额的支票(如捐款时间先后不一致,支票也可能先后开出)。

If you wish to receive a tax receipt for your donation, please be certain to print and fill out the appended Annual Giving Form fully and completely and submit it along with your cheque.  


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