Monday, April 19, 2010

To the Ministry and School Board ...

The following was sent today to trustees and ministry people, as a letter of protest regarding proposed cuts to public education funding.

Dear Vancouver School Board Trustees, Gordon Campbell, and Margaret MacDiarmid:

The PAC executive for University Hill Secondary School met recently to consider how the proposed dramatic cuts might affect the future of our children's education for the 2010-2011 academic year and into the future. As representatives of all families at our school, we feel recent proposed cuts seriously threaten the ability of our school and it's dedicated staff to continue providing the remarkably effective secondary school experience our kids have been fortunate to have at UHill Secondary.

Over the last few years, University Hill has managed, with difficulty, to accommodate the continuous pattern of reduced funding each year. However this year’s proposed cuts, which are much more significant than before, will have a fundamentally adverse on each child’s quality of education. We, the parents, have not heard a rational basis for such a huge changes, that is consistent with maintaining our education system, from either the Ministry or the School Board. For us, the public education system in BC has been a source of pride, but these cuts suggest the Province has shifted its priorities away from this fundamental aspect of our society.

All of the proposed reductions in the school system for next year are alarming. However, in particular, we are devastated to find that the small community of University Hill may lose seven teachers next year, including some of its newest, most enthusiastic and energetic teachers. This change in itself will be a huge blow to the programs, education and community at the school. In addition, reductions to the already stretched administrative and counselling resources are hugely counter-productive, especially given University Hill’s unique circumstances and opportunities. For example, our principal and his staff will need to devote significant energy to working on the school building projects over the next year.

We hope that the Ministry will reflect seriously on the relative cost effectiveness of properly funding public education. University Hill has had significant success at producing highly qualified personnel to the BC workforce despite the cut-backs in the past, but with these cuts the quality of outcomes will suffer – we think un-necessarily.

Thank you for your attention and help at resolving this challenge,


PAC co-chairs:
Francis Jones , and
Tom Hutton

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